Yesterday, the IRS released IR-2024-46 indicating that will put more focus on the audits of corporate jets. There is plenty of post over social media from the full deduction of corporate jets even on the last day of the year and other claims, which might not be applicable to every case. The IRS sends a reminder that the business use of a corporate asset is deductible, but the personal use of that corporate asset is not deductible (similar the use of any other vehicle such a car for business and personal use, the allocation of business use will be deductible).

… Business aircraft are often used for both business and personal reasons by officers, executives, other employees, shareholders and partners. In general, the tax code passed by Congress allows a business deduction for expenses of maintaining an asset, such as a corporate jet, if that asset is utilized for a business purpose. However, the use of a company aircraft must be allocated between business use and personal use. This is a complex area of tax law, and record-keeping can be challenging.

Link – IRS begins audits of corporate jet usage