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Most serious problems (IRS report): #5 Lack of competency of tax preparers

In the 2023 National Taxpayer Advocate report to Congress, this organization lists a number of issues that the IRS should address as priorities for "serious" problems. The report is public and published each year. Additionally, the report provides details in plain language of why each problem has a significant impact on the taxpayers and how

Personal data hacked 3 billion data points. Protect yourself. Get the IRS Identity Protection PIN

More and more often, personal data gets hacked, exposed, etc. Some of you remember the Equifax data breach with 147 million people impacted and a settlement of up to $425 million dollars and there have been many other cases since then. The most recent one is the National Public Data that exposed 3 billion individuals

Beware of fake IRS relief programs “National tax relief” or “New fresh start”

On April 4th, 2024, the IRS shared that the Federal Communications Commission issued a cease and desist letter to Veriwave Telco as the company was making millions of calls (prerecorded message) regarding a National Tax Relief Program. "... The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau today issued a cease-and-desist letter against Veriwave Telco. The letter ordered Veriwave Telco

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