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IRS released the standard mileage rates for 2022

In mid December 2021, the IRS released the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) beginning January 2022 will be: 58.5 cents per mile driven for business use, up 2.5 cents from the rate for 2021, 18 cents per mile driven for medical, or moving purposes for

By |2025-01-10T01:26:58+00:00December 20th, 2021|Categories: Business|Tags: , , , , , |

Considering amending your tax return?

The IRS in their Issue Number: COVID Tax Tip 2021-157 reminds us that there are several reasons to amend your tax return, such as, entering income (or expenses if business - Schedule C or rental - Schedule E) incorrectly, not claiming credits for which they're eligible, claiming deductions incorrectly, etc. Note that the IRS may

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